The Roadmap to Recovery - Ireland: A safe destination
From May 18th 2020, the Irish Government actioned their plans to ease restrictions put in place to protect us all from the spread of COVID-19. These plans were some of the strictest reopening measures in the world. On June 8th, Phase 2 began with amendments to include many of the features laid out in Phase 3 (pictured) which allows for even further travel, larger gatherings and the opening of all retails stores. These changes were accelerated due to a significant decrease in numbers of new cases and fatalities in Ireland. With Phases 2 and 3 merged, we hope to see Phase 4 and Phase 5 to proceed ahead of schedule. Stay in touch for updates!
Odyssey can now focus on ensuring vendor compliance with health guidelines and preventative measures to streamline the transition back to stress-free travel and safe incentives. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you back to Ireland: a safe destination!